Website by Gecko Gully

Module 1 - Fast Start

Module 2 - A Fresh Approach

So What will Video Ranking Mastery Teach You?

If you have a video already up on YouTube, and it is in serious need of some rank boosting, here are some easy things you can (and must!) do to get it to rank higher.

Here we go right back to the beginning - what you (or your client) SHOULD have done even before they made their video, in order to get it to rank in Google.  This is the "unfair advantage" your video will have over all the competition.

Video Ranking Mastery

ATTN Marketing Consultants: 

Here's How You Can Land 5 New Video Marketing Clients This Week

If you want to be seen as the SEO and Video Ranking Master that you are, what you really need is a plan to follow.  A proven, high-results formula that has been used time and time again to get super impressive results for clients.

What you need is Video Ranking Mastery.  

With Video Ranking Mastery, you will, within 6 weeks, get the hard-core skills you need to really impress your clients.  They will see their videos on page 1 of Google, and they will greatly increase their sales as a result.

Your clients will be happy.  You will be happy.  And you will have the skill, confidence and track record to be able to say "Yes" when new clients call you to beg you to get their videos on Page 1 as well.

Gidday.  I'm Christine F. Abela, and I've been helping my clients get great results online for a very long time.

I know what it is like for most marketing consultants.  You are expected to be an expert in everything, and you are scared someone is going to find out you really don't know what you are doing.

But what if you had a proven formula to follow.? One that a veteran of the internet has been using to quietly achieve really impressive results for her clients?  Wouldn't that make a great difference?

I can give you that confidence.  You will KNOW what to say, KNOW what to do, KNOW what to warn your clients about.

You will be handed a step-by step process to follow that will take you from what needs to be done even before a video is made, to how to make even older, poorly-optimised videos start earning their keep and getting results for your clients.

I will show you how to test whether a video might rank, even before you approach a potential new client.

I will show you how to get new clients by PROVING you can do what you do (at no or little cost to you), so they can see your results before they beg to sign up with you.

If you're sick of the gurus and their slick sales funnel strategies and just want something simple that works, attracts high paying clients, and puts money in your pocket NOW, withOUT all the hassle... Then scroll down and opt into the Early Bird list.

If you still need a little convincing, keep reading.

Here's How This Works

I'm going to be teaching lots of my skills over the next few months/years, but I'm going to start with one that will, if used properly, help you make a huge difference to your business, or your clients' businesses.  I'm going to teach you what you need to know to become a Video Ranking Master.

Sure, there are lots of other things I do for my clients besides get their videos on Page 1 of Google, but Video Ranking is something that can be taught as a package, and is an "easy sell" for clients.  

You will learn the skills you need to rank either your own videos, or your clients' videos, so that you (or they) get great results.

Since this is the first time this has been offered, I am looking for a very small number of people to "test drive" the course, in exchange for feedback and testimonials.  Therefore the price has been reduced for just a few days.  If you are seeing this message, the Early Bird pricing is still available!

And no, this is not one of those "get it now because the price will go up soon" bs things just to get you to panic and take action.  As you will find out, I'm not like that.  I don't play those tricks - they annoy me, and so I don't do them to others.

Specifically: The course will start on 15 September 2016.  It will be delivered by email, and will go over several weeks.  The price will be $97.  But on about 1 September, the price will be $47 for just 3 days.  

To get on the announcement list so you know when the cart opens, you need to join the EOI (Expression of Interest) list, here:

As an added bonus, being on this list will also mean you are among the first to know when I release MORE training, not just Video Ranking Mastery.  So if Video Ranking doesn't interest you, join the list anyway, and when I have more courses available, you will be in the right place to find out FAST.

Module 3 - Once the video is made...

The video has been made, and it is ready to upload to YouTube.  This module explains the best approach to ensure ranking success FAST.

Module 4 - The First Tweaks

Once your video is on YouTube, there are certain things you should do, and some you should NEVER do, to get it to rank quickly.  And, a warning of something that can scare the jelly beans out of you if you are not aware of it.

Module 5 - The Mature Video

Once your video has been on YouTube for a couple of weeks, this module will teach you skills that will help you to ensure it is getting lots of views.

Module 6 - The Technical Stuff

If you are a bit of a tech-head geek type like me, this module will show you some really cool tricks that will help you to get your video out-ranking all the competition.  This gives you the unfair advantage you have been looking for, and NONE of the "gurus" even know this all stuff, let alone teach it.

So don't muck about - join the Early Bird notification list now to be among the first to get your hands on this great course, at a reduced rate!